Online Clothing Store for Men - IntexSoft

Online Clothing Store for Men

An online store for selling branded men’s clothing.


Our client already had a developed online store. However, the company needed to implement new features, eliminate shortcomings in existing ones, and fix bugs and crashes on the website. To fulfill these tasks, the company hired IntexSoft team.


Team Composition

  • Project Manager

  • Business Analyst

  • 3 Full-stack developers

  • QA Engineer


months project duration


IT experts


added features


The first task performed by IntexSoft specialists was migratation of the online store to a new version of the e-commerce platform OXID eShop.


The creation and editing of goods in the online store are rendered into separate systems – Navision and censhare. The IntexSoft team had to synchronize the work of the online store with these systems. The SOAP protocol was used to implement the communication with Navision and censhare. The developers created modules for data import into the online store.


The IntexSoft team developed features for discount code verification with Navision. Thanks to synchronization, the system offers an automatic discount to users who buy several products from one category. 


IntexSoft specialists also added the opportunity to import product categories from Excel files


One of the most important tasks was to develop additional search filters for the online store. We created a feature that enables users to search for products by color, size, and style.


We added automatic information update on stock balances. This was done to make the online store receive up-to-date data every hour. The information about all products is automatically updated once a day: new products, names, and prices are added to the website, and positions that had been out of stock are deleted.


To implement the customer’s idea on placing information in the online store, we made changes to the slider functionality in the OXID eShop system. 


To ensure smooth operation of the website and accelerate its operation, the dev team regularly optimized the code.


HTTPS protocols and encryption are used at all stages of interaction with the program. For payments, we used the third-party payment system Computop. Doctrine projector was used as the automatic protection against SQL injections.

Methodology & Transparency

During the development process, the IntexSoft team followed an iterative approach. In parallel with tasks execution, we analyzed the results and adjusted work progress.


To ensure transparency while working on the project, our team always demonstrated the results to the customer after each iteration. There were regular collective discussions on how to improve the workflow and functionality of the online store.


Thanks to the successful development of the new functionality, the online store achieved a significant boost in sales and the time for receiving and processing orders was reduced.


  • Work with goods

    search filter by color, size, and style, automatic updating of information on residual stock, functional sliders

  • Integration and update

    a new version of the OXID eShop, integration of the online store with Navision and censhare systems

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