We live in a century of information. Information is everywhere. Look at your company’s everyday processes: HR involves information about current and potential employees; procurement managers search and analyze the data on goods and services to acquire the best of them; the marketing department processes information on current trends and the company’s products to develop the best offers that will work for your customers.
These are billions of words and numbers per day. And everything should be studied very carefully to avoid risks. Sometimes one number entered wrong can cause colossal money losses, legal issues, or even life threats. Trying to be more attentive, employees may spend more time on tasks that are not desirable either. However, there is the right way out – business process automation. Today, we will talk about some examples of automation where our team took an active part.
Some years ago, we worked on the project that we still are proud of. The client represented a big international company – manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment, mostly for elevators. The company’s stock had included a vast range of products, that was why the company’s employees had to create catalogs with thousands of pages.
Initially, such a catalog’s preparation took around two years and cost a lot of money and labor. Moreover, during this time, some information became irrelevant. Also, the probability of errors causing unpredictable consequences was high due to the manual layout.
So, the client recruited us to find a solution. Which was the web application that optimized and automated the processes involved in catalog creation. The developed system has reach functionality and consists of three modules:
Therefore, the PIM system ensures information validity, workflow management module tracks and notifies the project status and other changes, which let us synchronize the work between departments. The media management module ensures correct placement of text and graphical content on catalogs’ pages.
With the system described above, our client managed to get the following results:
This case is an excellent example of HR business process automation. Moreover, the client managed to optimize processes in their company and make money on it. A while ago, we worked with a German company that specialized in Human Resources.
They needed a web application that would simplify the planning of shifts and vacations and automate accounting of working hours and payrolls. As a result, we came up with a full-fledged HRM system consisting of four modules:
The developed system helped to achieve the following results:
The next client turned to us to develop an automated system for holding tenders. They needed an information platform that would automate tasks related to search, organization, and holding of tenders. At the same time, we had to configure the work in two modes: participant mode (search for tenders based on a set of parameters) and organizer mode (selection of participants, regulations control, bidding, winner determination, etc.).
So, we developed a web application covering all client’s business requirements with the following functionality:
The web application allowed completely automate the tendering process and achieve the following results:
These are just a few cases from our experience of business process automation. We have seen many examples of how companies can flourish when implementing proper technology. Figures are saying for themselves. Are you still reflecting on how to make things go easy and smooth? Save much time, make your employees a bit happier as they’ll stop spending time on routine tasks…Contact us! Together we will find the best solution for your company 🙂