June 5, 2024 • by Margarita

13 Most Effective Tools To Manage an Outsourced Project/Team

Tech Staff

This article explores project management outsourcing tools. Dive into game-changing software solutions that amplify communication, streamline task delegation, and bolster collaboration among dispersed teams. Need more information? Contact us.

Reading time: 17 min.

Are you interested in project management outsourcing tools?


When it comes to outsourcing in project management, where many businesses delegate development team tasks to a single external service provider, employing robust software development project management tools becomes highly important. These tools drive, organize, and optimize the entire software development lifecycle, from initial planning to final deployment and ongoing maintenance.


In this piece, IntexSoft highlights the compelling advantages of integrating a project manager into the development team, emphasizing effective software project management best practices. Additionally, we explore day to day basis worries surrounding outsourcing project management, reaffirming the merits of adopting these tools from a fresh perspective.


Let’s dive in!


Understanding project management outsoursing


The concept of project manager outsourcing encompasses three domineering scenarios:


  • Client engaging external project manager to handle project management tasks.


  • Service provider subcontracts specific project management duties to other vendors.


  • Independent contracting of project management services within an organization.


This scheme showcases outsourcing in project management (within companies).
This scheme showcases outsourcing in project management (within companies).

Each scenario allows for flexibility and focused attention on project needs, but success hinges on adeptly navigating collaboration complexities and ensuring alignment with overarching project goals.


Moreover, if a client segregates project management as a distinct task within an outsourcing project, it qualifies as a part of project management outsourcing.

Assessing advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing project management

This image showcases key reasons for delegating project tasks (from Clutch report).


Outsourcing project management is generally considered a great idea to achieve desirable results while avoiding common issues typically faced by business owners. This approach allows for increased effectiveness and the extraction of maximum results, not only for short term projects but also long term endeavors.


The table below delves into this aspect in more detail. The following information focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing project management. Among the latter, you will find insights into data security issues.


Advantages and disadvantages of project management outsourcing


Allows every client to concentrate on their core business functions, while a successful outsourcing organization concentrates on project management.Despite external resources, outsourcing project work requires internal involvement and resources, potentially impacting workload.
Speeds up project initiation and delivery, enhancing overall time efficiency due to outsourced project managers.The relationship demands active vendor management to derive the benefits of outsourcing.
External perspectives often bring innovative ideas and diverse solutions to existing challenges. You have the right team in place to deal with them.As clients need more ownership of resources, vendors can terminate the relationship by outsourcing project management.
Vendors ensure compliance with IT project management best practices and provide insights into sector-specific trends.Depending on specifics, project management outsourcing might pose data breaches.
Facilitates learning from ongoing projects, aiding in preparation for similar future initiatives.Failure to meet expectations might lead to additional expenses or re-contracting, impacting the budget of outsourcing project management.

Outsourcing best practices: What functions of project manager can be outsourced?


Effective project management outsourcing involves carefully evaluating which aspects of the role of the project manager can be effectively outsourced to external entities.


Typically, functions related to project initiation—where senior management sets the project’s groundwork—and those within the execution phase, directly involving the project team, are less conducive to outsourced PM. However, there are several opportunities for external delegation within the planning, monitoring/controlling, and closing stages.


What are examples?


  • Planning: Tasks like crafting the Work Breakdown Structure and schedule, establishing cost estimates/baselines, devising quality and risk management strategies, and leveraging software tools for support.


  • Monitoring and controlling: Activities including analyzing and managing schedules and costs of outsourced projects, regular status reporting, utilizing software tools, implementing project management information systems, conducting audits, and performing earned value analysis from the data center.


  • Closing: Conducting post-project evaluations to assess success and derive insights for future projects.


Moreover, beyond these operational functions, the project management methodology and comprehensive training program for project managers could also be areas suitable for potential outsourcing.


Outsourced project management: What should you pay attention to?


Embarking on outsourcing or exploring a project management institute? These pointers can be your compass:


  • Scrutinize project specifics—objectives, team dynamics, schedules, budgets, and potential risks—to outsource project management with the right identifying tasks.


  • Seek an outsourcing collaborator that syncs with your business objectives, budget, and project management requisites. Scrutinize their track record, industry expertise, and proficiency in your intended outsourced areas.


  • Define the outsourced team’s duties, deadlines, and anticipated outcomes. Regular check-ins maintain project trajectory.


  • Set up reliable communication channels with your outsourced project manager and team for seamless updates, navigating hurdles, and spotting potential.


  • Don’t just outsource and step back. Stay involved, offer feedback, and ensure project milestones align with your business’s vision and objectives.


What are software engineering management tools in business process outsourcing?


There are no project management tools for software development that fit every single company—it all hinges on the unique demands of your project, expectations, and the time required for setup. The key is to create a comprehensive checklist of essential functions vital for the project’s success. Using this checklist as a guide, outsourced PM can choose an application that aligns with your needs, considering aspects like the number of users, availability in cloud or on-premises models, and the availability of technical support. Additionally, ensure all necessary project data is integrated into the selected system and include the contact information of everyone involved in the project for seamless collaboration and communication.


Tools for task management of outsourcing manager


Noteworthy outsourcing project management tools for companies include:


  • Jira: To manage projects, outsourced or in house PMs use this tool known for its scalability and adaptability. Jira aids in planning, tracking, and managing Agile projects within every successful outsourcing organization.


  • Trello: A user-friendly tool that every outsourced program manager loves, with boards and cards for organizing tasks and workflows within project management methodologies.


  • Asana: Offers task management, outsourced team collaboration, and project tracking functionalities for project managers.


Tools for communication 


Outsourcing IT projects necessitate effective communication and collaboration tools:


  • Slack: This tool facilitates real-time communication with other departments, file sharing, and team collaboration in project outsourcing.


  • Zoom: Enables virtual meetings, webinars, and video conferencing for each outsourced or in house project manager. These virtual meetings, webinars, and high-quality video conferencing effortlessly enable real-time discussions. For project managers working remotely, Zoom serves as a crucial link, allowing them to seamlessly become part of the project’s operations regardless of geographical barriers.


Requirement management tools


As project managers, especially those who are outsourced, collaborate with business analysts, they can utilize requirement management tools.


  • Confluence: A collaborative platform ideal for creating, organizing, and discussing project documentation, requirements, and sensitive information.


  • IBM DOORS: A specialized requirements project management tool for capturing, linking, tracing, analyzing, and managing changes to requirements in outsourced projects.


Tools to outsource project management in development


To control the development process, project managers utilize version control systems. We can highlight the following examples:


  • Git: Widely recognized for its distributed version control system, facilitating collaborative code development and branching.


  • Subversion: A centralized version control system used to track changes in files and directories, which can be extremely helpful for team leaders.


Integrated development environments


Among integrated development environments, we can highlight the following:


  • IntelliJ IDEA: A robust IDE for Java development offering a host of productivity features for companies.


  • Visual Studio: Microsoft’s versatile Integrated Development Environment supports various information technology programming languages and provides comprehensive debugging tools.


Continuous integration/continuous deployment tools


The typical continuous integration/continuous deployment tools are:


  • Jenkins: A leading open-source automation server for building, testing, and deploying software.


  • Travis CI: Known for its simplicity in setting up continuous integration for projects in management.


There is much more to ensure success for external project managers. However, all the tools mentioned above offer many benefits for companies, serving as a solid foundation for effective performance and competitive advantage.

Final words on outsourced program management


In the fast-paced realm of software development, managing projects efficiently is a linchpin for achieving success. If you want to leverage project management software best practices, outsource and work closely. 


Here’s a rundown of essential factors to consider when looking for the right partner for outsourcing services:


  • Expertise: Gauge their proficiency by examining their portfolio of past projects. It’s vital to assess performance history before making any commitments.


  • Specialization: Opt for an outsourced project manager with expertise tailored to your field. Ensure their skills match your project requirements, and assess whether your potential outsourcing provider has a strong track record in similar projects.


  • Versatile experience: Look for partners with diverse exposure across different domains, indicating their adaptability and comprehensive knowledge.


  • Cost: Clearly define service expenses in advance to ensure they align with your budget plans.


As an outsourcing company, IntexSoft will assess your requirements, financial plan, project scope, and in house developers core competencies, determining the most suitable model for your situation and business needs.


If you need more detailed information on any specific tool or aspect, feel free to ask our experts!


Frequently Asked Questions


Which tools are used in software project management?


Among the arsenal of resources, project management tools stand tall, each serving as a linchpin:


  • Project management platforms: Trello and Asana act as nerve centers, meticulously organizing administrative tasks, deadlines, and project progress updates through intuitive interfaces.


  • Collaboration hubs: Project management tools such as Slack and Microsoft Teams transcend basic communication, nurturing real-time engagements, streamlined file sharing, and focused internal team discussions.


  • Version control systems: Git repositories, be it through GitHub or Bitbucket, safeguard the integrity of code, enabling collaborative coding, version tracking, and smooth code integration.


  • Issue tracking tools: Bugzilla or Redmine facilitate systematic bug reporting and resolution, ensuring a vigilant eye on software development issues throughout the project progress.


  • Documentation wizards: Confluence and Google Docs are necessary for housing vital project management process documentation, user stories, and technical specifications.


  • Continuous integration/continuous delivery: Jenkins, CircleCI, and their ilk automate the software delivery pipeline, ensuring consistent testing, integration, and deployment for agile, flawless releases.


  • Time management tools: Harvest or Toggl track certain tasks, allowing insights into resource allocation and fostering optimized development team efficiency.


  • Design leaders: Figma and Adobe XD lead the way in collaborative design, transforming concepts into interactive prototypes, inviting feedback, and refining UI/UX experiences.


What is project management tool in software engineering?


Project planning and managing tools are the digital command centers that steer the course of a particular project to a successful conclusion. As a result, complex projects take shape, offering a canvas to sketch tasks and business operations, establish milestones, and prioritize assignments. More than that, they foster seamless development teamwork by overcoming geographical constraints.


What are the 3 types of project management software?


Project management services come in various iterations, each catering to specific project activities and business goals:


  • Task-focused platforms: Such services prioritize breaking down a few projects into bite-sized tasks, allocating them, and monitoring their progress. They excel in visualizing workflows and interdependencies among tasks. Trello, Asana, and ClickUp are among the stalwarts in this category.


  • Collaboration-centric solutions: Tailored to enhance development team synergy, these platforms emphasize seamless communication and coordination. They offer features for file sharing, team discussions, and real-time updates, promoting cohesive teamwork. Noteworthy platforms in this realm include Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Basecamp.


  • Resource and planning software: Geared towards resource optimization, these tools streamline resource allocation, scheduling, and budget management. They simplify project planning and resource utilization, offering robust planning functionalities. Mavenlink, TeamGantt, and Smartsheet are prominent players in this domain.


Can the project management function be outsourced?


Absolutely, outsourcing the project management function is a strategic move embraced by most companies seeking specialized expertise and operational efficiency.


Project management outsourcing involves entrusting planning, execution, and oversight of projects to external entities or individuals with expertise in this field rather than managing these aspects internally within the company.


What are the benefits of outsourcing IT projects?


  • Global talent access: Outsourcing projects can tap into a talent pool in any country. This fact grants access to diverse skills and specialized expertise only sometimes found locally.


  • Cost-efficiency: Utilizing external project manager expertise often translates to significant cost effective solution, reducing expenses on salaries, infrastructure, and training while maximizing resource allocation.


  • Focused core operations: By delegating IT tasks and business processes, companies free up resources to concentrate on their core activities, fostering growth and innovation.


  • Flexibility and scalability: Outsourcing provides agility in scaling resources, ensuring adaptability to fluctuating workloads and project requirements.


  • Accelerated delivery: Collaborating with external specialists can expedite project timelines, hastening the introduction of products or services to market.


  • Risk management: Partnering with an experienced outsourcing company minimizes risks related to technical challenges or resource limitations.


  • Elevated service standards: Leveraging skilled professionals elevates the quality and efficiency of the best solutions and services.


  • 24/7 support: Outsourcing providers offer continual support and maintenance after the development process, guaranteeing seamless operations and timely issue resolution.

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