Ecommerce Inventory Management Software: Features, Types, Best Platforms 2024 - IntexSoft
August 14, 2024 • by Victoria

Top Ecommerce Inventory Management Software Solutions for 2024


Let’s discover the top ecommerce inventory management software solutions to streamline your business operations and maximize efficiency.

Reading time: 10 min.

Efficient inventory management is essential to any e-commerce company’s success. 


The intricacy of internet selling has made manual inventory management impracticable. Software for managing inventory in e-commerce provides a way to increase productivity, decrease mistakes, and simplify processes. 


Robust inventory management software is more important than ever as online businesses struggle to manage goods across different sales channels. This software offers insights on inventory patterns and requests in addition to automating and streamlining intricate procedures. 


This article examines best practices and accessible solutions for e-commerce inventory management optimization.


What is Inventory Management Software?


A specific digital application called inventory management software is made to make a business’s inventory management process more efficient and automated. It has a number of features that assist companies in keeping tabs on orders, sales, delivery, and inventory levels. This program guarantees that firms can efficiently satisfy consumer needs, keep appropriate stock levels, and cut expenses by giving real-time insight and management over inventory.


Key features typically include:


  • Tracking inventories in real time. Keeps track of stock levels in real time across several locations and sales channels.


  • Order Administration. Combines inventory updates with order fulfillment and processing.


  • Forecasting demand. Evaluates past data to forecast the requirement for inventory in the future.


  • Management of Suppliers. Automates reordering procedures and maintains supplier information.


  • Integration across Channels. Synchronizes stock on several sales channels.


  • Analytics and Reporting. Provide information on trends and performance of inventories.


  • RFID and barcode scanning. Ecommerce stock management software improves inventory monitoring accuracy and streamlines stock procedures.


Inventory management software for ecommerce is essential for improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining the right balance of stock.



Advantages of Implementing Inventory Management Software


A company’s capacity to efficiently manage its inventory may be greatly increased by putting inventory ecommerce product management software for ecommerce into place. This can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of inventory management implementation in more detail. 


  • Increased Efficiency

Minimizes the possibility of human mistake and saves time by automating repetitive processes like inventory updates and order processing. Simplifies processes so that employees may concentrate on more strategic tasks.


  • Real-Time Inventory Visibility

Provide current stock level information for several locations and sales channels. Aids in making well-informed choices regarding sales, purchases, and restocking.


  • Improved Accuracy

Ensures that inventory records are accurate and up to date by reducing human input mistakes using barcode and RFID scanning. Increases the accuracy of ecommerce inventory tracking and counts.


  • Savings on Costs

Minimizes holding costs and waste by optimizing inventory levels to prevent overstocking and stockouts. Helps improve cash flow management by preventing needless purchases of extra inventory.


  • Improved Prediction of Demand

Makes more accurate predictions about future inventory needs by using market trends and past data. Helps companies manage their stock levels and acquisitions so they are ready to satisfy client needs.


  • Increased Contentment with Customers

Minimizes backorders and delays by ensuring that items are available when customers need them. Enhances the entire purchasing experience, increasing the loyalty and retention of customers.


  • Simplified Order Processing

Order processing and inventory management are integrated, and stock levels are automatically updated when orders are placed and completed. Lowers the possibility of overselling and streamlines the fulfillment process. 


  • Integration across Channels

Synchronizes stock across many sales channels, including e-commerce sites, marketplaces, and real retail shops. Avoids inconsistencies and guarantees constant stock availability.


  • Entire Analytics and Reporting

Offers comprehensive information on the performance of inventories, covering carrying costs, turnover rates, and sales trends. Provides information that supports ongoing development and strategic decision-making.


  • Flexibility

Stretches to new sales channels and adds more product lines in response to a company’s developing demands. Helps companies grow their operations without sacrificing accuracy or efficiency.


  • Management of Suppliers

Maintains solid supplier connections by keeping track of purchase orders, lead times, and supplier information to ensure prompt replenishment. Reorders automatically in accordance with preset inventory criteria.


  • Regulatory Compliance

Helps companies adhere to industry rules by keeping correct records and supplying the paperwork required for reporting and audits. Guarantees that inventory procedures adhere to applicable laws and industry norms.



Types of Inventory Management Systems


Businesses may optimize their inventory operations by choosing the best method by having a thorough understanding of the types of inventory management systems. The selection of a system is contingent upon the particular requirements, operational dynamics, and scale of the enterprise, since each presents distinct benefits and obstacles.


Just-in-time (JIT) Management


The goal of just-in-time (JIT) management is to save inventory costs by only acquiring products when they are actually needed for manufacturing. By minimizing the quantity of inventory a company keeps on hand at all times, this strategy lowers holding expenses and lowers the chance of inventory obsolescence.


By maintaining low inventory levels, JIT’s primary benefit is a notable decrease in waste and an improvement in efficiency. To guarantee that resources arrive precisely when needed, this strategy involves strong partnerships with dependable suppliers and precise demand forecasts.


But because JIT exposes the company to supply chain interruptions, it can be difficult to execute. Production can be stopped by any supplier delay or problem, which is why stable settings with steady demand and dependable suppliers are the ideal fit for JIT management.


Bulk Shipping


In order to benefit from economies of scale, bulk shipping entails purchasing and sending huge volumes of product all at once. This approach lowers the cost of shipping per item and may result in supplier discounts for large purchases.


The main advantage of bulk shipping is the lower cost per unit, which may boost profit margins—particularly for companies with steady and strong demand. Furthermore, keeping a lot of inventory on hand guarantees that a company can quickly satisfy client demand. 


Holding costs rise with bulk shipment because more goods need to be kept on hand. Higher costs for inventory control and warehousing may result from this. Furthermore, there’s a chance of overstocking, which can lead to waste if the items expire, become outdated, or demand suddenly declines.


Perpetual and Periodic Strategies


Inventory levels are tracked using periodic and perpetual inventory procedures. Every time an inventory transaction takes place, the perpetual inventory system instantly updates inventory records. This offers precise and current data, which facilitates effective inventory control and prompt resolution of inventory-related problems like stockouts.


However, putting in place a perpetual inventory system can be difficult to manage and calls for a large software and hardware investment. The periodic inventory system, on the other hand, updates inventory information on a regular basis, such as a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. 


This strategy is appropriate for smaller organizations with less complicated inventory demands since it is easier to establish and manage without requiring sophisticated technology. Periodic inventory systems, on the other hand, have a higher chance of inaccuracies, stockouts, and overstocking between counts because they only update inventory levels occasionally.


Periodic Inventory System


In order to calculate the ending inventory and cost of goods sold (COGS) for a given period, the periodic inventory system counts inventory at regular intervals. This approach is simple, economical, and requires nothing in the way of technology. Because it makes inventory management and accounting easier, it is especially appropriate for companies with modest transaction volumes and generally constant inventory levels.


Its simplicity makes it easy to adopt and administer, which is its fundamental advantage. The periodic inventory approach, however, has a number of shortcomings. Since inventory levels are only updated at the conclusion of each month, there may be inconsistencies in the correctness of the inventory data. An increased chance of stockouts or overstocking during intervals between inventory counts may arise from this. 


The periodic approach can also be labor-intensive since it necessitates frequent physical inventory counts, which can interfere with ordinary corporate activities. 


Essential Features of Inventory Management Software


Real-Time Inventory Tracking. With the help of this tool, businesses can continuously monitor stock levels across many locations and sales channels, reacting swiftly to fluctuations in demand and preventing stock outs or overstocking. It makes sure that information about inventory status is current, which promotes improved decision-making and inventory optimization.


Automated Reordering and Purchase Order Management. When inventory drops below certain criteria, this capability automatically creates purchase orders, guaranteeing ideal stock levels without the need for user involvement. By timely refilling, it lowers the chance of stockouts, expedites the procurement process, and fosters good supplier relationships.


Barcode Scanning and RFID Integration. Ecommerce inventory management system becomes more accurate and efficient when RFID and barcode scanning are combined. These solutions enhance inventory control and save labor costs by facilitating accurate and timely data entry, minimizing human error, and enabling real-time tracking of inventory movements.


Reporting and Analytics Capabilities. Comprehensive insights into inventory performance, such as demand projections, stock turnover rates, and sales patterns, are offered via robust reporting and analytics tools. These insights support companies in identifying areas for improvement, making data-driven choices, and optimizing inventory levels to save costs and increase operational effectiveness.


Integration with Other Business Systems. Consistent and unified data across all company operations are ensured by seamless interaction with other systems, including accounting software, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. By offering a thorough understanding of corporate processes, this link improves overall operational efficiency, decreases data redundancy, and streamlines workflows.



Best Ecommerce Inventory Management Software to Use


These platforms provide a wide range of features designed to address many facets of inventory management system ecommerce, ranging from order management and basic tracking to complex analytics and system integration. The size, complexity, and unique requirements of the e-commerce business must all be taken into account when selecting the software. Budgetary constraints are also a factor. Let’s explore some of the best inventory software for ecommerce.




Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that comes with a full range of capabilities for marketplace inventory management software. It offers features for handling orders, interfacing with different third-party apps, and tracking inventory levels across several sales channels.


Inventory Management Features:


  • Сross-channel real-time inventory tracking.
  • Automated order processing and delivery.
  • Connectivity with Shopify POS to synchronize inventory online and in-store seamlessly.


Shopify has a range of pricing levels, with the most basic plan costing $29 per month and the most advanced plan costing $299 per month. Integrations and applications may incur additional costs.




A feature-rich ecommerce and inventory management program designed specifically for e-commerce companies is called Sumtracker. Its main goal is to give users the tools they need to properly manage orders, inventory, and warehouse operations. 


Inventory Management Features:


  • Real-time monitoring and control of inventories.
  • Tools for inventory optimization and demand forecasting.
  • Integration with accounting software and e-commerce platforms.


Sumtracker pricing information is usually tailored according to the size and requirements of the firm. They provide a complimentary trial and price information upon request.




Although ClickUp is primarily a project management tool, e-commerce companies may tweak it to manage processes and inventories. 


Inventory Management Features:


  • Automation of workflow and task management.
  • Reports and dashboards that can be customized.
  • Integration with other platforms and tools for business.


There is a free, feature-limited plan available from ClickUp. Paid subscriptions range from $5 per user per month to $19 per user per month, with the latter offering more extensive functionality and customization choices.


Sage Inventory Advisor


A cloud-based digital inventory software called Sage Inventory Advisor offers forecasting and analytics capabilities to help manage stockouts and optimize inventory levels.


Inventory Management Features:


  • Planning for replenishment and demand forecasts.
  • Optimization of inventory based on trends and historical data.
  • Integration with accounting software and ERP systems.


Pricing information for Sage Inventory Advisor is usually tailored to meet the needs of the organization. They provide a complimentary trial and price information upon request.




Effective ecommerce inventory software management  is essential for modern businesses striving to navigate the complexities of online retail. 


Organizations may improve overall productivity, optimize inventory levels, and simplify processes by  leveraging advanced tools. These technologies guarantee enhanced customer satisfaction through correct order fulfillment and timely product availability, in addition to helping with decision-making and cost savings.  


In today’s digital market, ecommerce businesses can sustain growth, remain competitive, and provide excellent customer experiences by investing in strong inventory management solutions.

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