November 2, 2020 • by Alexandra & Andrew

How to Launch an App

Design & Marketing

In the previous article, we were talking about the protection strategies for your app idea. However, that’s not the only thing to care about. In this blog post, we’ll share some marketing tips on how to launch an app: research, pricing strategies, brand awareness, etc. Of course, this is mainly about mobile applications, but many things to be mentioned in this article can imply for the web and desktop applications’ launch as well.


1. Market research on competitors


Oh, this is a huge one. Many start-upers often believe that their idea is unique, and there are no such products invented earlier. However, this is a big mistake. Of course, your app compared to someone else’s might not look practically the same, but they may share common ideas, some common features, or solve the same problem.


So, we usually advise our clients to conduct such a research primary to the development process, not to repeat someone. In case you didn’t – that’s okay. You still have a chance to stand out. But before we advise on how to do that, let’s shortly clarify how to do such research.


How to research on competitors


Let’s say you have an app for tracking expenses. So, where do you start? The easiest way is to Google it. You can query different variations like “expense tracker app” or “best budgeting apps,” and Google will suggest all the possible variations. See what is in the listings and do the same on Google Play and App Store. Make a list of at least five competitors, thoroughly study each of them, upload these applications, try them, and take a closer look at their features, pricing model, ratings, customer service, user experience, and interface. Then analyze all the collected information and try to surpass your competitors by the exploitation of their gaps.


You can add some functionality: in the competitor’s review section, users often say what they lack. You may choose a better pricing model – freemium instead of paid, or lower the price a bit, or even create a better user interface. You can take each of these steps to stand out, and even all of them at once.


2. Pricing strategy for new product


This was slightly mentioned above. What concerns app pricing models, we already have an article solely dedicated to this topic. You can check this here.


What concerns the setting of the prices, you should consider the following factors:


  • Purpose of the app. What issues it solves, and what is your target audience. Each of your target users should be able to afford your product. So, if your app is for a broad audience’s everyday usage e.g., such as habits tracker, your price tag should be lower than one of the very specific apps, like the app for truckers that ensures the implementation of work and rest requirements.


  • Expenditure. Calculate how much you have spent on the design, development, and primary marketing, set the approximate terms when you want to get ROI (return on investment), and set the price based on your expectations.


  • Again. Check the competitors, especially if they are not new to the market. They probably know what they are doing.


3. Marketing materials for product launch


Take it seriously. Beautiful, well-thought-out marketing materials play an essential role in demonstration and promotion purposes. The starter pack usually includes demonstrative branded screenshots, related pictures, and a video for Google Play, App Store, social media, website, etc. If you have a video of excellent quality, it also can be used for advertising.


Things like an attractive logo, motto, value description, and instructions are probably needless to mention.


4. Web Presence


Even though you’re going to have pages of your apps on the application stores, you should still develop a website or the landing page for your product. “Why do I need this?” – you may ask. Well, this is pretty simple: having your website, you will open one more user generating channel – search. This, therefore, includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). The first one deals with the organic search: the better the SEO, the higher your website appears in search results — the second deals with advertising within the search engine.


On your website or landing page, you also can place all the possible information about your application: the story, values, all the links to the app stores, and social media, which is hard to do with the post on Instagram or the app store pages.


And don’t forget about social media. Create accounts if you haven’t already. Social networks are an irreplaceable tool for building awareness.


5. Search optimization


Okay, this one is worth a special place. We’ve touched on this in the previous point, but it needs some clarification not to be confused. There are two optimization types you should know about. The Search Engine Optimization that was mentioned above and App Store Optimization (ASO) which refers to search engine optimization, but within the app stores.


If you are releasing a mobile application, you probably will have to deal with both. SEO is needed for your website or landing page, and ASO is needed for your app promotion within the app store.


6. Create brand awareness


Brand awareness is the information about a particular brand, fixed in consumers’ minds: its existence, characteristics, and attributes. There are many channels for developing brand awareness. We will list the most popular ones.


  • Social media. Create an account on social networks, post interesting and valuable content for your target users. In social networks, there is room for many maneuvers: giveaways, challenges, brand hashtags, and, of course, targeted advertising.


  • Relevant media and press. If you are releasing an app for motorists, make sure you send out the press release to the sources popular among them: thematic websites, magazines, etc.


  • Influencer Advertising. This format has recently become less popular and more covert within the West European and the US audience. Keep in mind that this kind of advertising is relatively expensive, but if you have enough budget and know influencers whose audience matches your targeted users – give it a shot.


  • Contextual advertising. Contextual advertising helps potential users find you. You can target ads to users who are searching or have already searched for products similar to yours.


  • Participation in conferences. Is your new product related to sales automation? Speak at a sales conference! Speak on prevalent problems and the solution – which your application is. Besides, you can usually rent a stand at conferences and show the product to all interested people. If everything is organized properly, you will get many useful contacts and new target users.




If you realize at least these points, you are already halfway to success. And don’t forget that we are always there to take care of the design, development, testing, and publication while you are busy with business issues.


Hope now with our tips on how to launch an app you’ll have a nice and seamless launch!

Writen by


Marketing Manager


Head of Dev Department


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